• Our Junior Fellowship Program

    At Rise to Peace, we are convinced that the key to fight terrorism effectively lies in diversity. That is why we give people of diverse backgrounds the opportunity to connect with each other, exchange ideas, build a network and work together to counter the universal scourge of violence and terror. We have various opportunities for people of all backgrounds in research, active intelligence, fundraising and digital communication.

  • Ongoing Projects

    At Rise to Peace, we focus on educational efforts, through missions such as the Interview Project, to interview young people who embraced extremist ideology and understand the reasons behind their choice. Due to COVID19, we currently focus our efforts on digital counter terrorism by compilling data in our AID Database, sharing analysis online and through our social media.

    Learn more about our projects

    We are a non-profit organization focused on empowering peace, education and tolerance as tools to fight extremist ideology and its disastrous consequences around the world. We work in conflict zones with local partners to provide sharp analysis, educational tools and information that drives action to help prevent terrorism, counter violent extremism and shape policies that will build a more peaceful world.

  • The Madrasa Boys Project

    Education Development

    Our objective is to effectively examine the problems and effectively reinforce the volume to address the key drivers to extremism.

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  • The Hello Project

    Communication and Dialogue

    We aim to provide tools to help build a bridge where major security issues such as extremism, radicalization, social injustices are properly communicated and taken care of before it leads to violence.

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  • Field Research

    The Interview Project

    We interview young people who formerly embraced extremist ideology and became misguided foot soldiers for groups such as the Taliban, Al-Shabaab and ISIS

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  • Washington D.C.

    Policy and Practice

    Rise to Peace gathers renowned experts to explore the genesis of global radicalization and how to counter the rise of violent extremist ideology

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  • Rise to Peace

    How to Counter Violent extremism

    our distinguished group of experts will examine how violent extremism has evolved over the past 20 years and discuss what programs and policy initiatives must be implemented to stop this violence

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  • you are the


    Let's do it
  • Here comes the


    Let's do it
  • Here come the

    Beautiful Forests

    Hundreds of more precise definitions of forest are used throughout the world, incorporating factors such as tree density, tree height, land use, legal standing and ecological function.

  • we are all about

    Your Business Your Way

    Nulla ut nunc id lorem hendrerit pharetra sit amet sed enim. Duis eu est euismod, lacinia urna sit amet, placerat arcu. Sed mattis sit amet massa ac imperdiet. Curabitur vitae tempor urna. Sed iaculis diam vitae viverra facilisis

    Get Started
  • out of the box

    Creative Solutions

    Vestibulum eleifend tincidunt augue tempor congue. Maecenas ornare ac justo dapibus. Sed consequat, sapien ac dapibus pellentesque, dui dolor varius elit, venenatis consequat sapien nibh ut augue varius elit.

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  • story theme

    The Best Way to Tell Your Story

    Donec ac ex non nisi volutpat pharetra curabitur sapien nunc, cursus vel mauris in euismod curabitur.

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  • Story New Demo

    Vintage Inspired

    Story is a sharp, modern and clean WordPress theme. The theme is very flexible
    and it comes with some awesome features, such as a fullscreen slider.

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  • Our New Demo

    Story Theme

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  • Story Theme

    Beautiful & Simple

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  • learn how to

    Keep It Simple

    Base sit amet massa volutpat, sagittis metus sed, auctor nunc.
    Pellentesque gravida lorem massa.

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  • story theme

    Health & Lifestyle

    Morbi accumsan neque vitae augue adipiscing mattis.
    Mauris scelerisque bibendum quam, sed convallis sapien pharetra.

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  • what is

    Your Story

    With the combination of responsive design and parallax animations, this theme will provide an optimal viewing experience and will make your website look great on across wide range of devices and screen sizes.

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  • Brand New

    Leather Handbag

    Nullam in neque at tortor accumsan eleifend posuere eget orci.
    Nam enim neque, iaculis in nisl in, luctus condimentum tortor.

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    Leather Handbag
  • Learn about

    Sketchbook Basics

    Sketchbook Basics It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages

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    Sketchbook Basics
  • Introducing

    Our New

    Nunc facilisis eros non lectus vestibulum, sed tempus mi porta. Suspendisse in mi diam. Nam ac nunc leo. Etiam ut massa consectetur, congue odio ut, feugiat urna. Integer nec aliquet eros.

    Buy Now
    Our New<br /> Album
  • Challenging Narratives, Informing Minds

    Media & Impact

    Rise to Peace counters terrorism narratives through media analysis, offering real-life scenarios and expert insights on foreign affairs and global security.

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  • The perfect canvas for your

    Creative Ideas

    Learn More Showcase
  • Vivamus malesuada

    Story Theme

    Duis bibendum lorem non velit sodales sollicitudin. Vestibulum sed diam felis. Vivamus malesuada placerat pulvinar risus ullamcorper non.

    Learn More Examples
User Friendly

User Friendly

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Award Winning

Award Winning

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Plug and Play

Plug and Play

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Unlimited Colors

Unlimited Colors

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Useful Support

Useful Support

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Smart Admin

Smart Admin

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Eco Friendly

Eco Friendly

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Parallax Background

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet pellentesque

Unlimited Skins

Unlimited Skins

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi.

Easy Customization

Easy Customization

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Parallax Animations

Parallax Animations

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi.

Responsive Design

Responsive Design

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi.

our team


Ahmad Shah Mohibi, Founder

Ahmad Shah Mohibi is the founder of Rise to Peace and also serves as the director of Counter-Terrorism programs. In this role, he conducts research and analyzes policy issues related to terrorism, violent extremism, international security, and peace peacebuilding efforts to help inform the policy practitioners, analysts, the private sector, international and non-governmental organizations. Prior to that, he served as a Justice Advisor to the Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) in Afghanistan, where he helped coordinate, implement, and monitor interconnected projects, including the $10 million initiative to build the Justice Center in Parwan. Prior to the State Department, Ahmad assisted the United States Military in various capacities to help provide comprehensive strategic planning and project management in support of the NATO-led Resolute Support mission to train, advise and assist the Afghan security forces and institutions. He holds a Master in International Policy and Practice from George Washington University and a BA in Government and International Politics from George Mason University.

Building Your Brand

Vestibulum feugiat mauris sed risus rutrumat pulvinar


 Vestibulum feugiat mauris sed risus rutrum, at pulvinar dui lacinia. Vestibulum a urna ut est vulputate rutrum. In sollicitudin, libero eu bibendum aliquet, lectus nibh hendrerit lorem, eu convallis massa enim sit amet enim. Nullam auctor, lacus in lobortis vehicula, lectus nunc pretium lectus, eu tempor ipsum lorem vitae justo.

 Vestibulum feugiat mauris sed risus rutrum, at pulvinar dui lacinia. Vestibulum a urna ut est vulputate rutrum. In sollicitudin, libero eu bibendum aliquet, lectus nibh hendrerit lorem, eu convallis massa enim sit amet enim. Nullam auctor, lacus in lobortis vehicula, lectus nunc pretium lectus, eu tempor ipsum lorem vitae justo.

 Vestibulum feugiat mauris sed risus rutrum, at pulvinar dui lacinia. Vestibulum a urna ut est vulputate rutrum. In sollicitudin, libero eu bibendum aliquet, lectus nibh hendrerit lorem, eu convallis massa enim sit amet enim. Nullam auctor, lacus in lobortis vehicula, lectus nunc pretium lectus, eu tempor ipsum lorem vitae justo.


Lisa Kimberly

Developer / Pexeto

Curabitur ut consequat felis, nec iaculis justo. Vestibulum sem lacus, gravida at sagittis vestibulum, eleifend vel est. Praesent pellentesque vulputate nibh lacus bondo gravida.

John Doe

Web Developer / Apple

Praesent pellentesque vulputate nibh malesuada gravida. Curabitur ut consequat felis, nec iaculis justo. Vestibulum sem lacus, gravida at sagittis vestibulum, eleifend vel est.

Lisa Kimberly


Duis vel ullamcorper mauris, eu pretium felis. Duis gravida laoreet velit. Cras lobortis pellentesque nibh, id venenatis nisi. Pellentesque id erat faucibus lorem sagittis faucibus. Vivamus id est mattis, venenatis ligula id, pretium nulla.

John Doe


Cras lobortis pellentesque nibh, id venenatis nisi. Pellentesque id erat faucibus lorem sagittis faucibus. Vivamus id est mattis, venenatis ligula id, pretium null.Duis vel ullamcorper mauris, eu pretium felis.

John Harris

John Harris

Marketing Manager / Pexeto

Duis vel ullamcorper mauris, eu pretium felis. Duis gravida laoreet velit. Cras lobortis pellentesque nibh, id venenatis nisi. Pellentesque id erat faucibus lorem sagittis faucibus. Vivamus id est mattis, venenatis ligula id, pretium nulla.

Lisa Kimberly

Lisa Kimberly

Web Designer / Pexeto

Morbi ultrices dui id risus mattis egestas. Quisque dapibus lacus id congue ornare. Duis vel ullamcorper mauris, eu pretium felis. Duis gravida laoreet velit. Cras lobortis pellentesque nibh.

John Doe

John Doe

Web Developer / Apple

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc pharetra euismod enim, ac ultricies nunc fringilla nec. Nam in vehicula lorem. Duis a lorem vitae leo tristique vestibulum. Suspendisse rhoncus eros lorem.

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