Special Report On Child Terrorists and Violent Extremism in Afghanistan

We are here today to discuss child terrorism in Afghanistan. The number of children used as terrorists in Afghanistan is surging each year. Historically, political and religious groups around the world have used children for fighting. But now, terror organizations like ISIS, the Taliban, and Boko Haram are using children as suicide bombers, fighters, and spies. In some parts of Afghanistan, families send their children to madrasas in Pakistan for religious studies where they become easy targets for terrorist recruiters. Preventing terrorist groups from using force and hateful propaganda to brainwash and recruit children is imperative.

Our organization, Rise to Peace, leverages education as a tool to eradicate youth extremism. We invite you to support our organization because we believe in what we do and our ability to make a difference. Before we get to the discussion of the issue, I want to first introduce you to Rise to Peace’s Interview Project. We interview children who are former terrorists and use their voices to enhance our understanding of child extremism as it exists today, and as an inoculation against future recruitment. In addition to interviews, we hold annual symposiums wherein
experts share their insights, helping citizens and government leaders alike better understand this problem. Rise to Peace aims to educate and cooperate with the public, the government and the international community to create an effective policy to halt youth terrorism. The phenomenon will continue to threaten the Afghan and U.S. governments and the world unless we do something to stop it. It is crucial that we act now. The child terrorist’s rise in Afghanistan has its roots in shortcomings related to security, poverty, and education.

[pdfjs-viewer url=”https%3A%2F%2Fwww.risetopeace.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F05%2FSpecial-Report-04252.pdf” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=800px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]

Special Report On Youth and Violent Extremism in Iraq

Terrorist groups and government-backed militias across Iraq actively recruit and exploit vulnerable youth. It is crucial that the international community continues to condemn the use of child soldiers and hold those responsible for such horrific practices accountable. In order to craft-wise, sustainable policies it is vital to understand the ways in which terrorist and militant groups continue to recruit, radicalize, and exploit youth throughout the region.

The underlying social and economic conditions that allow these groups to flourish must also be addressed. Much of the success of various terrorist movements rests on the vulnerability of youth worldwide, and because of this, it is essential that the international community take action to counter the recruitment and use of these child soldiers. The international community needs to acknowledge this problem and create tangible means in which to aid the children and families affected by terrorist groups, in order to rehabilitate and prevent the use of child soldiers in the future. The political, social, and economic structures within Iraq are highly dependent on its youth. Currently, frustrated youth are emigrating when they can, and many young men are becoming the foot soldiers for the country’s most radical groups. Building a peaceful future for Iraq will require putting systems in place that empower the country’s youth as well as creating an environment in which they can thrive.

[pdfjs-viewer url=”https%3A%2F%2Fwww.risetopeace.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F05%2FFinal-Special-Report-Iraq-APRIL-25-Print.pdf” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=800px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]

Countering neo-Nazi Ideology in the United States: Waging a War of Information

The world has long suffered from what seems like one extremist ideology after another. One is hard-pressed to deny that the Nazi regime in Germany, and the ideology that it spread, was one of the very worst tragedies in human history. The deep ideological driving factors behind such tragedies as those observed during the holocaust should never survive in the free world.

On 7 May, 1945, Nazi Germany officially surrendered to the allies and victory over Europe was declared. However, almost 75 years after the Nazi surrender in Berlin, the threat of Nazi ideology has yet to fade. Over several decades, ‘neo-Nazism’ as it is often called, has evolved and morphed to a modern ideological movement that runs adjacent to the very same Nazi beliefs that dictated the direction of the Third Reich. This research will provide a potential solution to countering the surging Nazi ideology in the United States.

Understanding that Nazism has faded and returned in the United States for decades, this solution seeks to curb Nazi ideology long-term. As with all ideologically driven violent movements, understanding the motivation and justification for the movement is critical to developing a strategic campaign to reduce the movement’s strength. A brief historical section will highlight the history of neo-Nazism in the United States. Further examination of Nazi ideology will develop an understanding of the movement’s motives, driving factors, objectives, and overall belief system.

A comprehensive assessment of the current neo-Nazi movement in the United States is provided in this report to better provide context in which a counter-narrative strategy can be produced as well as to identify a target population in which to address the counter-narrative messaging. Upon the foundation built through these sections, a strategy can be made to create an information campaign that will discredit the neo-Nazi ideological framework, provide information that will create an identity crisis amongst followers of neo-Nazi groups, and reduce neo-Nazi radicalization and recruitment strengths.

In conjunction with the University of Virginia Center for Politics, Reuters/Ipsos conducted a poll of 5,360 American adults to research support for various extremist ideologies. While support for all of the ideologies are relatively low, translated to the broader population figures of the United States, the results are concerning. Neo-Nazi ideology was found to have support from 4 percent of the polled population (Rosenberg, 2017). If the survey was accurately representative of the American population, that is over 10 million neo-Nazi supporters. That is almost double the entirety of the Jewish community living in the United States.

Utilizing a strategic campaign of information, vulnerable individuals can be targeted prior to their radicalization as well as individuals already radicalized who have the potential of becoming deradicalized. Strong emphasis must be placed on individuals vulnerable to recruitment and radicalization. Post (2005) stated, “once an individual is in a body, especially underground, group dynamics will enforce his psychological commitment to its goals” (p. 106). The focus of the counter-narrative strategy will seek to exploit inherent vulnerabilities found in the neo-Nazi radicalization process and ideology. This project will seek to first build a comprehensive understanding of neo-Nazi history, ideology, and the current operating picture of the actors involved. Interviews with neo-Nazis and former neo-Nazis are included to enhance the project’s understanding of the driving factors that bring one to the belief in Nazism.

[pdfjs-viewer url=”https%3A%2F%2Fwww.risetopeace.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F06%2F1R2PCOUNTERNEONAZI_2-1.pdf” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=800px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]

Download the full report here:
