Shailene Pimentel

Shailene Pimentel is a 2019 graduate from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey. She received her Master’s Degree in Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies with a specialization in Financial Crime Management. During her time at the Middlebury Institute, Shailene served as a Graduate Researcher, in which she participated in the creation of the Special Operations Research Database (SORD). The database focused on analyzing strategic issues in Special Operation Forces-related places concerning policy decision making. Moreover, Shailene also partook in a seminar on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) where she took on the role of analyzing current CVE initiatives in the Philippines. This research included examining indicators of success, areas of improvement, and applicability to the CVE initiatives in other countries. Previously, she has obtained a Bachelor’s Degree from California State Monterey Bay in Social and Behavioral Science with a minor in Pre-Law. As an Undergraduate Researcher, Shailene developed a capstone where she illustrated the theoretical framework of her research on the First Amendment as it relates to mass surveillance.

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