About Active Intelligence Database
The Active Intelligence Database is an initiative created by the Rise To Peace team in an effort to spread information and facilitate education on the threat of global terrorism. While many resources provide users with data and information on global terrorism, the R2P AID team created this database with three particular goals in mind.
While the pursuit of academic and research analysis on global terrorism is critical to policymaking and the pursuit of peace, Rise To Peace has always believed that peace is built from the ground up, and everyday individuals should, therefore, be able to understand and engage with news on global terrorism. Therefore, our data collection and organizational presentation is focused more on offering information pertinent to everyday users and allowing them to feel plugged into global events. We understand that this may trade-off with data stringency or higher-level analysis, but we see this as a worthy goal.
The huge levels of stringency and analysis utilized by most databases mean that they serve as a strong point of analysis on trends in the past rather than phenomena in the present. The automatically updating nature of the AID web application Airtable ensures that users have recent information and news. While the R2P AID team understands that a rapid updating philosophy disrupts the finer points of data collection, we see this as a worthy goal.
While many higher-level analyses undoubtedly give citations for their source of global terrorism, the R2P AID team believes that connecting individuals to the sources around the world on the front lines of the fight against global terrorism serves a dual purpose. First, it gives individuals a clearer picture of the struggle itself. Secondly, it gives the credit and attention to frontline sources that ensure continued coverage of violence and extremism around the world. Thus, while the AID Source Archives provide users with the notes, hyperlinks, and PDFs of each source used to code the database, the names, and PDFs of each source are also embedded directly into the database for the reading of anyone traversing the database
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